about and with Garbade
José Saramago, Vicente Molina Foix, Luis Antonio de Villena,Leopoldo Alas, Jesus Ferrero write about Garbade
Catalogo del ICAM con Vesaniart , la fundación tres culturas y la Universidad de Málaga
Galeria Ignacio del Río,Málaga
Text by Eduardo Naval
Exhibition with Alejandro Arteche, 2000
Book for the Ateneo de Madrid, 2020
Book about the show at the Quorum Gallery,Madrid, Text by Vicky Howard
Text by Ginger Danto
Book of the Festival Visible at the Bellas Artes, Madrid
coordinated by Pablo Peinado
ARCO 2003, Show of Swiss Artists, text by Werner Herzog
Testigos de Actualidad
Interaktive trainings methoden
Book for the exhibit in Toledo 2018
book with text by Alvaro Pombo, Enric Benavent,Vicente Molina Foix, Leopoldo Alas, Fernando Savater
Drawings in the book by leopoldo Alas
Galerie Bares Paris
with aphorismes by portuguese author Agustina Bessa-Luis
La loca adventura de vivir de leopoldo Alas. dibujos de Garbade