Friends, Galleries, Museums and Openings
With the maire of Mascaraque Enrique Ovilo
Timas Arribas
Garbade with Geraldine Chaplin and M.Martin de Blas
Studio RGF Arriaza,Madrid
Miguel Angel Martin de Blas
Studio RGF Arriaza 11
with Tomas Arribas of the Diputació¡n de Toledo
Studio RGF Arriaza,Madrid
Javier Mazorra and Roberto Gonzalez Fernandez
with Saurabh Kirpal,Tashi Chaden
with D. Lourido,D.Ferriro,M.A.Martin de Blas,Garbade,Helmo Hernández,Wilfredo Benítez
Teodoro Garcia, Jesus Corroto,Daniel Garbade
Inauguración 2023
Photographs by ®mcadavid
Garbade. Ambassador Mauro Reina,Curator Nuria Delgado
Panel with Dr.Alka Pande
Opening, Pilar, Darío y Daniel
Garbade & Miguel Angel Martín de Blas
with Saurabh Kirpal,Tashi Chaden,Vivek Raj Anand,Raman Kunmar Singh and Simon Schäfer
With Dr. Alka Pande
con Teodoro Garcia Perez, Soledad Sanchez chiquito, Jesus Corroto,Nuria Delgado y Miguel Angel Martin de Blas
Aitor Ferrón
Leopoldo Alas y Garbade
with Ambassador Mauro Reina and Curator Nuria Delgado at the Vest+Menté Inauguration,Cuba
Swiss Ambassador Hans peter Mock and Cultural Ataché Alberto Giovanetti
con Roberto Gonzalez Fernandez , Javier Mazorra y Miguel Angel Martin de Blas
M.Martin de Blas and Vicente Molina Foix
José Infante y Garbade
Garbade with Alvaro Pombo
con Nuria Delgado y Miguel Angel Martín de Blas
M.Martin de Blas, Casilda y Agustin Almodovar,Garbade
Opening with Concha de Santa Ana Fernández,Nuria Delgado, Sebastian Navas,Mar Aragon, Garbade,Ana Pavon,Anibal Goldenberg
M.Martin de Blas(Curator)Chus Martín,José Sanchez,Garbade and Martin.
with Nuria Delgado, Ignacio del Rio,Consul of Spain and M.Martin de Blas
Ruth Toledano,DG,Ajo y Juan González Álvaro
Daniel Bollag,Gabriela Eigensatz,Suisse Ambassador Rudolf Schaller
Carmen Maura / Garbade
Foto Jesus Pereita
Garbade with Vicente Molina Foix
Garbade and Luis Antonio de Villena
Daniel Garbade with Galerist María Jesús Alonso
Maurice Ziegler,DG,Renée Ziegler, Dagny y Jan Runnqvist
Paola Boutellier
Antonio Gayo,Garbade,Dan Benveniste, Joél Barés
Embajador de Suiza Don Giulio Haas, la Embajadora de Letonia Doña Argita Daudze , la directora del Consorcio de Toledo Soledad Sanchez y del Agregado cultural y científico de la Embajada Alberto Giovanetti
DG with Miguel and Marcos Macarro
with Pablo Runyan
Foto de Jesus Pereita
Leopoldo Alas photograph by Garbade, Madrid
Kevin Volans,Pablo Pascual,DG,Adrian Lipp at the opening
President Jesus Posada and Galerist Miguel Tugores at my show in Dearte, Madrid
Leopoldo Alas, José Sanchez and Chus Martín
Model Chus Martín at the fashion show by José Sanchez within the exhibition in Toledo
Pablo Runyan on the right next to Eduardo Naval
Regula Gredinger
DG, Leopoldo Alas and Pablo Runyan
Visit of my uncle Francois Lachenal, my mother Ariane Garbade Lachenal at Douglas Cooper and John Richardson Residence in Avignon by introduction through Pablo Picasso.
Opening Exhibition
Robert Garbade
Opening 2000, Paco Quirce
Opening 200o
with Hans Lortscher
Opening exhibition, Alvaro Pombo,DG, José Maria Pineda,
in front of the exhibition at the San sebastian church, Toledo
Photograph taken in a sesion with Severo Sarduy in Paris, the text was by Leopoldo Alas, published by El Pais, Spain